Landscape Architecture Path

Landscape Architecture Path

Landscape Architecture Journey

 The expertise and experience of a landscape architect elevate the organization they work for and the work they do. The qualifications of a landscape architect indirectly contribute to and elevate the entire profession. From what we can see, Ediz Botanik seems to reflect the accumulation of knowledge and experience of Sami and Sinem Ediz. It's worth getting to know Ediz Botanik closely.

 Taking a Closer Look...

They graduated from the Landscape Architecture Department of Yeditepe University, Faculty of Fine Arts in 2003. After graduation, they spent 6 months in England working on English Gardens and received language education. While Sinem Ediz aimed to become an academician, she started her professional life. Thus, both of them worked in the same profession but in different organizations. Sami Ediz worked and consulted in countries such as Dubai, Qatar, Azerbaijan, and Turkmenistan. In 2011, they established their own company to provide landscape design and project services. Starting their activities in an office in Istanbul Çekmeköy, Ediz Botanik began implementing projects somewhat out of necessity. When maintenance services were requested at the points where they implemented projects, they had to take over maintenance as well.


After Villas and Mansion Gardens...

 For Ediz Botanik, which works on aesthetically valuable garden examples in terms of landscape architecture and implementation, the nursery became a necessity. Sami Ediz, explaining that the nursery became a necessity for Ediz Botanik, said, "It was very difficult to take the people whose gardens we designed to different cities to choose the plants. Therefore, we first established our nursery in Çekmeköy... When the area became insufficient, we moved to Beykoz in 2021. Because we had to stock materials in Istanbul." For now, Sinem Ediz is busy with the design and project-oriented nursery, while Sami Ediz manages implementation operations and deals with external affairs. Ediz Botanik is open to all landscapers and nurseries... Anyone interested can shop there. Ediz Botanik sees responding to the demands of quality products from landscape architects and landscapers in the region as a responsibility. As far as we can see, demand and circulation are very fast for imported products. However, they are aware that there are some difficulties in finding products of the desired quality and variety in domestic products. For example, they send tropical plants to coastal areas and implement them. Indoor plants also receive a lot of attention.


Award-Winning Projects

 For example, their implementation projects in Fethiye this year were awarded for being among the top 10 beaches in the world. In the meantime, before they provided implementation and nursery services, they won the award for the best concept park project in Edirne with the Mimar Sinan Works Park project they did for the Edirne Municipality. Ediz Botanik can grow semi-finished products in their 20,000-square-meter nursery, and the nursery has a 900-square-meter greenhouse. They work with a team of about 20-25 people. They have the ability to carry out several projects simultaneously. They internally solve all infrastructure problems such as drainage, irrigation, and lighting. Ediz Botanik continues to be a working partner for many architects and provides consultancy services to various institutions and construction companies. If you happen to be in Beykoz-Riva, be sure to stop by.

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